586 Unethical DME Physicians: An LNC Challenge – Silvia Aninye

Medical Examinations

Legal Nurse Consultants looking for new avenues of work will have the opportunity in this podcast to learn about an in-demand area of work: observing defense medical exams. Silvia Aninye, a veteran of 14-plus years in this field, who has an extensive stable of subcontractors, takes up the issue of bias and an unethical DME among defense examination doctors

She emphasizes that these constitute a minority of doctors. However, they can be disruptive to the patient’s mental and physical well-being, and, if not prevented, they will introduce their biases into the DME report.

Sylvia has noticed that many of these doctors earn their primary income from such exams and that insurance companies tend to hire the same doctors repeatedly. This is a foundational basis for bias.

They may also adopt a hostile attitude towards both the LNC and the patient. This can be expressed through repeating a manipulation that’s physically painful to the patient. They may also badger the patient with questions that the patient can’t answer because of time passing, traumatic injury, or other causes. It is here that the LNC becomes an invaluable advocate for the patient, intervening when legally possible, to deflect the doctor from harassment.

In choosing a fee structure, she suggests doing research by using a survey to learn about DME rates in your area. It’s also crucial to make it clear exactly what the attorney will get for their money. Offering a little more than your competition can make the sale.

Be sure to explore Silvia’s interview. She may be describing the LNC service that’s ideal for you.

Learn More About Unethical DME Physicians: An LNC Challenge – Silvia Aninye

  • What factors introduce the possibility of an examining doctor’s bias?
  • What’s the first indication of this bias?
  • How can you identify an unethical doctor?
  • When the examining doctor looks at the patient’s medical records, how can this indicate bias?
  • How do barrages of intimidating questions indicate bias?

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Your Presenter of Unethical DME Physicians: An LNC Challenge – Silvia Aninye

Silvia has 14 years of experience as an LNC, with a specialty of DMEs. She established herself as providing the go-to expert nurses attending defense medical examinations. She has educated both attorneys and nurses on the rules about defense medical examinations. With a background in medical surgical nursing, workers compensation, she worked at Los Angeles County LAC USC Medical Center and numerous insurance companies in policy making, workers compensation and as an adjuster in the areas of subrogation and case management. In addition, Silvia is an arbitrator for FIRNA and a Mediator in the State of CA. Silvia is the author of a forthcoming book for LNCs on DMEs. She provides an online program on defense medical examinations, mentoring program, and coaching program on defense medical examinations.

Connect with Silvia at www.weberlegalnurse.com

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