LNP 300 The Power of Search Engine Optimization Rex Camposagrado

Rex Camposagrado has his master’s in business administration and 20 years of experience in the field of SEO, which stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization.’ He’s got experience with digital marketing. He helps to increase online exposure to generate more leads and sales.

Rex Camposagrado, is talking to us today about how you can improve your digital marketing platform.

Listen in as Pat Iyer and Rex Camposagrado chat about these points

  • What is SEO?
  • How does SEO or organic traffic differ from other forms of digital marketing like social media?
  • Why is SEO important for legal nurse consulting?
  • How do we incorporate SEO into our websites?
  • Is it possible to over-optimize a website for SEO? What are the implications of doing so?
  • Why does Google periodically change the way it ranks websites? 

Related Product: Blogging for Biz

Blogging is an excellent way to bring visitors to your website. New content attracts the search engines. You may be wondering how to start. Debra Lloyd and I have the answers for you in a free webinar we created called Blogging for Biz.

WHAT will you LEARN from this FREE Webinar?

  • Find out exactly why you can get more business with blogging. More traffic converts into qualified leads and increased profits.
  • Learn how you can quickly maximize the benefits of blogging to improve credibility confirm your authority and grow your business fast.
  • Discover the secrets of successful blogging… the What, the Why, the How…
    and much, MUCH more!

Your Presenter

Rex Camposagrado is an award-winning SEO Expert with over 20 years of experience and graduated Summa Cum Laude with an MBA in Digital Marketing.

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