LNP 40 – The Amazing Power of Stories for Capturing Clients – David Perdew

David Perdew is the CEO and chief architect of NAMS. He is skilled in capturing clients and uses his skills as a journalist, a consultant and an entrepreneur as CEO of one of the most successful and fastest growing business training workshops available today. I have learned a great deal from being involved in NAMS over the years in terms of the marketing concepts that I have applied to my legal nurse consulting business and continue to apply to my coaching business at www.LNCAcademy.com ​ working with legal nurse consultants.

Listen in as Pat Iyer and David Perdew chat about these points:

  • How everything in your marketing can be a story and why that’s one of the things that we teach people
  • Why the know, like and trust factor is the central point of every online interaction
  • How to stand out from the crowd by using different forms of content for capturing clients
  • Why you need to have an advantage to set yourself apart and become the authority or the expert
  • How content marketing is a way for us to write, video, blog, do audios, build special reports that always point to us as the expert
  •  The steps that you should follow when you structure story telling

Related Product: Free Story Telling Templates

Does Your Content Grab the Attention of Your Prospective Buyers as Fast as Possible? …These free templates can fix that​!
How should you be capturing clients? Use stories. We have tons of stories as LNCs. Stories sell and show your expertise. ​ Your customers and readers crave interaction with ​YOU ​ and true, genuine stories allow them to connect on a more personal level. That’s how you build know, like and trust with your tribe. But when you’re thinking about telling stories, I bet these thoughts run through your head.

  • I don’t have any stories.
  • Nothing interesting happens to me.
  • Why would anyone want to hear my story?
  • I don’t know what makes a good story.

Storytelling is NEVER a natural talent. Everyone must practice and be trained in this skill to become good storytellers. First, you have to understand what a good storyteller is. There’s a process behind telling persuasive and entertaining stories. These free story telling templates can help. Get them at this link. http://nams.ws/LNC

Your Presenter

David Perdew, CEO and of NAMS – the Novice to Advanced Marketing System which is a step-by-step tutorial system focusing on Team, Training and Tools to help novice to advanced business people become even more successful.

Check out the webinars, teleseminars, courses and books at legalnursebusiness.com. Expand your LNC skills with our resources.

Explore coaching with Pat Iyer at LNCAcademy.com to get more clients, make more money and avoid expensive mistakes.

Join us for monthly online trainings at LNCCEU.com for 2 trainings each month designed to deepen your knowledge and skills.

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