633 – Mastering Effective Attorney Presentations: Tips for LNCs – Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin

Are you looking for an opportunity to deepen and broaden your legal nursing skills? What if you had the chance to learn from two of the most experienced LNCs in the business the art of mastering effective attorney presentations?

Pat Iyer, a legal nurse consultant since 1987, owner of a multibillion-dollar business, which she has since sold, and Barbara Levin, equally respected in the LNC field, have teamed together to present their 11th LNC conference.

Because they know your time and money are important, they are taking this opportunity to give you a detailed preview of the material they will present. This teaching is for LNCS who are just beginning and equally for highly experienced practitioners.

And just by reading this preview, you will learn to absorb professional concepts you may have never considered.

  • How do you reach prospective clients?
  • How do you convey complex concepts in a digestible manner?
  • What is the best way to prepare a presentation for attorneys?

Pat and Barbara cover these and other relevant topics, and at the conference they will cover so much more.

What to Expect in Mastering Effective Attorney Presentations & More in the 11th Conference

They love to share their knowledge as professionals and look forward to meeting you and answering your questions.

  • What is the most effective way to meet an attorney?
  • How do you find your clientele?
  • What is the worst thing you can say in a presentation?
  • In describing a case, what is your core message?
  • Why must you research your potential clients’ specific interests?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

Legal Nurse Podcast

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Strategies to Attract Attorney Clients & Grow Your LNC Business

11th lnc success online conference

Are you finding it tough to attract more attorney clients? You are not alone!

Join us for the 11th LNC SUCCESS® 3-DAY ONLINE CONFERENCE on February 27-28 and March 1, 2025!

It’s a chance to learn how to overcome common challenges and gain the skills you need to succeed in legal nurse consulting. Connect with industry experts who will share practical strategies for standing out, building strong relationships with attorneys, and effectively presenting your value. No matter your experience level, this conference will empower you to discover fresh opportunities and advance your business.

What to Expect

  • Expert-Led Sessions: Engage with sessions led by top industry professionals.
  • Interactive Workshops: Participate in hands-on workshops designed to enhance your consulting skills.
  • Networking Opportunities: Build lasting connections with peers and potential clients.
  • Resource Materials: Receive exclusive materials that will support your ongoing professional development.

Don’t miss this chance to make a real impact on your business.

Register Today

Secure your spot at the 11th LNC SUCCESS® 3-Day Online Conference on February 27-28 and March 1, 2025, and take your first step toward becoming a leading legal nurse consultant!

We look forward to welcoming you to this pivotal event in February 2025!

click-to-learn-more -  11th LNC SUCCESS 3-Day Online Conference

Your Presenters for Mastering Effective Attorney Presentations: Tips for LNCs

Barbara Levin

Barbara is an experienced legal nurse consultant. She is a past president of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, and she served the state of Massachusetts for eight years on the board of Nursing, including three years as chairperson of the board. She has extensive experience as an orthopedic and a medical surgical expert witness and also works behind the scenes.

Connect with Barbara Levin by email at barbara@barbarajlevin.com

Pat Iyer

Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC established a highly successful independent LNC business in 1989. She grew Med League to become a multimillion-dollar business which provided expert witnesses and did behind the scenes consulting. She trained hundreds of expert witnesses and supervised a staff of employees and subcontractors. After selling Med League in 2015, she returned to legal nurse consulting after a 6-year hiatus and currently serves a small group of attorneys.

Connect with Pat Iyer by email patiyer@legalnusebusiness.com

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