603 How to Boost Your Legal Nurse Consultant Career by Overcoming Writing Challenges – Pat Iyer

Pat Iyer

In this podcast titled How to Boost Your Legal Nurse Consultant Career by Overcoming Writing Challenges, Pat Iyer covers five major issues that prevent would-be writers from realizing their talents. LNCs who doubt their writing abilities may procrastinate and/or get bogged down in perfectionism, both of which will negatively impact their businesses.

Pat Iyer considers herself fortunate to have received encouragement both from a home environment that valued reading and writing and from teachers who recognized her abilities. Knowing that others have not had these advantages, she devotes much of her work to mentoring and, in other ways, assisting those who would like to overcome writing barriers.

This work is crucial because legal nurse consultants need to write at a minimum with competence. They must also be able to meet deadlines.

Hesitance to write will also hamper their efforts to communicate on social media. It may limit their ability to creatively network.

This podcast doesn’t focus on the negative. Pat includes several stories about people who have learned to work with time restrictions and showcases the financial rewards obtained by an LNC who worked directly with her in the creation of a book.

You, too, can do this. Do whatever it takes to believe in yourself. It’s your life; use your writing to express the unique gift you bring to this world.

Here’s What to Expect from the Podcast: How to Boost Your Legal Nurse Consultant Career by Overcoming Writing Challenges

  • Do you fret about not having enough time to write?
  • Do you doubt your writing abilities?
  • Do you have writing barriers?
  • Does perfectionism stop you?


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Join us for Medical Records Analysis Volume 3

Each chapter in the book will be written by a different  LNC. When you write your chapter for this book, you’ll gain

  • Visibility so that attorneys can find you and offer you work
  • Authority and credibility – you’ll be a recognized expert
  • Encouragement and support from Pat Iyer and your fellow authors

Your investment includes:

  • A self-paced course to teach you how to structure and write your 1500-to-2000-word chapter – so there is no guesswork. You’ll get a system you can use to be successful.
  • A meeting with me, Pat Iyer to discuss the focus of your chapter so you know how to get started.
  •  Complete publishing package that includes editing, formatting, cover design and placing the book on Amazon.
  • A virtual book launch event where you can invite guests to learn about your book.
  • A collaborative relationship with your coauthors – when they market the book, you can visibility to their audience
  • An Amazon bestseller campaign – we’ve gotten prior volumes to #1 Amazon bestseller status within a day
  • A complimentary copy of the book and the opportunity to purchase them at a 50% discount over retail price (in multiples of 10 copies)

Payment is due now to reserve your spot. We have a maximum of 15 spots and they will go quickly.

Enrollment Period: June – July 2024

Self-paced course on how to write your chapter: Available immediately upon enrollment

Author chapters due: September 30, 2024

Editing, Formatting, Printing: October – November 2024

Books Available for Sale: December 1, 2024

Register here.

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Your Presenter of How to Boost Your Legal Nurse Consultant Career by Overcoming Writing Challenges – Pat Iyer

Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC established a highly successful independent LNC business in 1989. She grew Med League to become a multimillion-dollar business which provided expert witnesses and did behind the scenes consulting. She trained hundreds of expert witnesses and supervised a staff of employees and subcontractors. After selling Med League in 2015, she returned to legal nurse consulting after a 6-year hiatus and currently serves a small group of attorneys.

Connect with Pat Iyer by visiting patiyer@legalnusebusiness.com

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