598 How I Got Started as an LNC: Tips and Tricks – Summer Redding

In this podcast, How I Got Started as an LNC: Tips and Tricks, Summer Redding, a legal nurse consultant, shares her learning path towards her first case and beyond.

She prepared by taking a community college course. What makes her journey unique is that she also carefully studied YouTube videos of mock trials and depositions. She paused the video when something happened that she didn’t understand and took copious notes.

Summer is a passionate advocate for networking. She took the time to get to know local attorneys, building an atmosphere of trust. Often, she had to educate the attorneys about what LNCs did, and her patience was rewarded when an attorney realized she could help him and called on her. That first case became the springboard for following ones.

When Summer worked as an emergency department nurse, she found that she always wondered what happened to the patients when they were no longer in her care. She feels that one of the principal satisfactions of working as an LNC is getting to play a role in what happens.

She explains that one of the primary attributes needed by an LNC is the ability to always be learning, growing and networking.

You will enjoy this podcast about an LNC who projects great enthusiasm for her work.

Here’s What to Expect from the Podcast: How I Got Started as an LNC: Tips and Tricks – Summer Redding

  • How does working as an ED nurse prepare you for becoming an LNC?
  • Why is it so important to abandon nursing shorthand and special vocabulary in writing a report?
  • What can you learn about trials and depositions from YouTube?
  • Why is it important to show your willingness to give?
  • What is one of the most rewarding aspects of LNC work?


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Each chapter in the book will be written by a different  LNC. When you write your chapter for this book, you’ll gain

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  • Authority and credibility – you’ll be a recognized expert
  • Encouragement and support from Pat Iyer and your fellow authors

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  • A self-paced course to teach you how to structure and write your 1500-to-2000-word chapter – so there is no guesswork. You’ll get a system you can use to be successful.
  • A meeting with me, Pat Iyer to discuss the focus of your chapter so you know how to get started.
  •  Complete publishing package that includes editing, formatting, cover design and placing the book on Amazon.
  • A virtual book launch event where you can invite guests to learn about your book.
  • A collaborative relationship with your coauthors – when they market the book, you can visibility to their audience
  • An Amazon bestseller campaign – we’ve gotten prior volumes to #1 Amazon bestseller status within a day
  • A complimentary copy of the book and the opportunity to purchase them at a 50% discount over retail price (in multiples of 10 copies)

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Enrollment Period: June – July 2024

Self-paced course on how to write your chapter: Available immediately upon enrollment

Author chapters due: September 30, 2024

Editing, Formatting, Printing: October – November 2024

Books Available for Sale: December 1, 2024

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Your Presenter of How I Got Started as an LNC: Tips and TricksSummer Redding

My name is Summer Redding and I’m a Registered Nurse celebrating a decade in the high-stakes world of Emergency Medicine and Cardiology. I’ve supplemented my stethoscope with a briefcase finding my way into the courtroom, joining medicine and law. In this episode, we’re going to dive deep into my remarkable journey from the ER to the courtroom, and I’ll be your guide through this exciting transition. You’ll hear about the challenges I faced, the inspiring resources that propelled me forward, and the insights I’ve gained along the way.

Connect with Summer Redding by email summerreddinglnc@gmail.com

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