565 Nurse Practitioner Malpractice Liability – Arlene Wright

Nurse practitioners (NP) are assuming an ever-increasing percentage of medical treatment in hospitals, private practices, and also other venues. Here to share her insights into this field is Dr. Arlene Wright, whose doctorate is in nursing practice. She understands nurse practitioner malpractice liability

Originally conceived by Dr. Loretta Ford as a means to help close the gap in pediatric care in rural areas, the role of nurse practitioner has widely expanded—and not always without resistance from MDs, particularly in the area of writing prescriptions. A possibly deeper area of resentment comes from the fact that many people prefer the care, attention, and also detailed explanations they receive from NPs.

NPs are also trained to work collaboratively, a form of care that invariably benefits both practitioners and patients.

The process of credentialing has become increasingly rigorous over the decades, leading to higher standards of practice. Arlene emphasizes that this is a career that involves lifelong learning.

Arlene also touches on what to look for in both electronic and handwritten charts and urges practitioners to make sure their work follows a logical sequence. She emphasizes that you should know whether, as an LNC evaluating a case, if the physician has insurance, and also cites institutions that aren’t required to have it. DNPs should not, she says, be over-insured; that makes them a target for litigation

If you are evaluating a case involving an NP, you will appreciate the rigorous training they receive. The information in this podcast will help you to analyze malpractice suits in which an NP may be involved.

Learn more about Nurse Practitioner Malpractice Liability – Arlene Wright

  • Why are there conflicts between nurse practitioners (NPs) and also MDs?
  • What are the four roles of NPs?
  • What is “full practice authority”?
  • When people prefer treatment by an NP to that of an MD, why is this so?
  • What is the certification process for an NP?

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Your Presenter of Nurse Practitioner Malpractice Liability – Arlene Wright

Dr. Arlene Wright is an FNP practicing in Fort Myers, Florida. Dr. Wright received her MSN/FNP from the University of Tampa and also her DNP from Florida Atlantic University. She has held numerous leadership roles at both the local, state, and national levels.

She is the co-founder and executive Vice President for the NPs of Lee County and has also held various positions within the state organization (FNPN) for which she served as president from 2017-2021 and is the current region 5 director. Dr. Arlene Wright was re-elected as the Florida south state liaison for AANP in 2022 and also serves as clinical faculty for several universities and is adjunct faculty for Florida Gulf Coast University DNP program with a position on the DNP advisory board.

Dr. Wright was named the first director of advanced practice and with that role Arlene is considered the advanced practice “clinical expert” working closely with corporate compliance .

She has been a requested speaker where she continues to share her career experiences and also leadership knowledge. In addition, Dr. Wright has been the recipient of numerous accolades including the Florida Nursing Association advanced practice award and the AANP Florida advocacy award.

Connect with Arlene Facebook :Arlene Kramer Wright
LinkedIn: Arlene Wright ( Director of Advanced Practice)
Twitter: @arlene_awright

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