561 Liability for Infections in Healthcare Facilities – Connie Schaefer

On a worldwide basis, sepsis causes 20% of all deaths. Connie Schaefer, an LNC, registered nurse. She is also an infection preventionist, describes this huge problem and what’s being done to prevent infections in healthcare.

Speed of diagnosis and also treatment are essential in order to control and cure a septic condition. This is the primary area that makes a difference in handling this condition. Many obstacles can prevent this. Not noticing sepsis is the first problem, but when samples are taken, the skin must be correctly cleaned in order to prevent contamination. Another issue is poor communication between hospital departments.

Connie describes the many variables in diagnosis and treatment of sepsis. In big hospitals, serious conditions are automatically flagged, which enables the providers to respond more quickly.

She also describes what are commonly known as superbugs, those which are resistant to most or also all antibiotics. Treating them is challenging, but the greater challenge is to make sure that they don’t get out into the larger world.

Sepsis is often an issue for medical malpractice, and Connie recommends going through the records very thoroughly, with special emphasis on lab records.

This issue is sure to come into your professional life, and the podcast will give you a deeper understanding of the issues involved.

Learn more about Liability for Infections in Healthcare Facilities – Connie Schaefer

  • What is the sepsis bundle?
  • What percentage of global deaths does sepsis cause?
  • What role does fast and also accurate communication among departments play in diagnosis and treatment of sepsis?
  • What medical records assume priority for an LNC working on a sepsis case?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

Announcing LNC Success™ Virtual Conference 8 October 26,27 & 28

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They are back with their 8th all-new conference based on what attendees said they’d find most valuable. This new implementation and networking event is designed for LNCs at any stage in their career.

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After the LNC Success™ Virtual Conference, you will leave with clarity, confidence, and an effective step-by-step action plan that you can immediately implement in your business.

Your Presenter of Liability for Infections in Healthcare Facilities – Connie Schaefer

Connie has been a Registered Nurse for more than 40 years, in a variety of nursing settings (ICU, ER, Procedural Labs, Hospice, and Home Health Care), most recently in Infection Prevention and Long Term Care.

Connie became a Legal Nurse in March 2021. She became certified in May 2021 and began to grow her business one case at a time. After attending two Attorney Conferences as a vendor, Connie began to gain new attorney clients, working in Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Ohio, and Missouri.

With nearly 20 years of working as an Infection Preventionist, Connie worked to manage and mitigate infections in both Hospital and Long Term Care Settings. She was also certified in Infection Prevention first obtaining her CIC in 2012.

Connie has presented at several Infection Prevention Conferences, Quality Conferences and did a poster presentation at SHEA (Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America). Connie enjoys providing motivational talks to healthcare workers to “Remember Your Why” we chose healthcare, to begin with, and how important our role of HCW are to the patients we care for.

Connect with Connie www.legalnursesolution.com or on social media.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/connie-schaefer-rn-clnc-06376146/ https://www.facebook.com/connieschaeferlegalnurse/

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