536 Nursing administration risks Dianna Goodwin

We have increasing awareness of the multiple deficiencies in the U.S. medical system, particularly in hospitals. Here with an inside look at efforts to solve this, is Dianna Goodwin, a registered nurse with 28 years of varied experience. Speaking as a manager, she shares her experience in providing the best possible support for nurses in terms of training on all levels.

Dianna emphasizes the importance of having a mix of new and experienced nurses. New nurses need mentoring, and too many in need of this assistance place a burden on available resources.

Nurses especially need training in high-risk, low-frequency procedures, which can occur in any area of the hospital. Dianne explains that any nurse who hasn’t done such procedures in a long time may need supervision.

Dianne pays particular attention to the need for nurses to understand the chain of command and how to work within it when they feel a doctor has given them an inappropriate instruction. She illustrates this principle with a detailed and fascinating story about an incident where she had to intervene to support a nurse who needed to challenge a doctor’s instruction.

LNCs and clinical nurses alike will appreciate this opportunity from the point of both professional conduct and the liability issues that arise with incorrect instructions.

Join me in this episode of Nursing administration risks Dianna Goodwin

  • Why is staffing currently such a big problem in hospitals?
  • What challenges are involved in hiring new nursing graduates?
  • What is a high-risk, low-frequency situation?
  • How do issues of liability play into the necessity for thorough training of new nurses?
  • How can a nurse effectively challenge a doctor’s order that sounds wrong?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

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Your Presenter of Nursing administration risks Dianna Goodwin

Dianna Goodwin has been a registered nurse for 28 years. Her focus for the last 14 years has been leading teams in Medical/Surgical, Telemetry, Critical Care, and Nursing Support specialties. Ms. Goodwin is passionate about nursing leadership, working to promote excellent patient care and outcomes, while promoting healthy work environments. Ms. Goodwin received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Waynesburg University and a Master of Nursing Education from the University of Phoenix. She is a certified Pain management Resource Nurse and is pursuing a certificate in Legal Nurse Consulting and the Fellowship of American College of Healthcare Executives.

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