500 Celebrating 500 Episodes of Legal Nurse Podcast
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Thank you for listening to Legal Nurse Podcast. On September 6, 2016, I launched this podcast. We are celebrating today. This is the five hundredth show!
When I first thought of sharing tips with you in the form of a podcast, the idea of getting the technology straightened out was a bit daunting. A business coach I hired helped me work through the steps and helped me get everything ready.
At the beginning of Legal Nurse Podcast, I released 2 shows a week. The first was an interview and two days later, the second show was a monologue I created based on the same topic our guest covered.
My cohost Kelly Campbell joined me for about a year and contributed ideas and guests.
In July 2020, Barbara Levin and I began planning virtual conferences and I decided to drop the second episode of the week.
Here’s what people tell me: you listen when taking a walk, driving, cleaning the house and working out.
The podcast has over one hundred thirty-six thousand downloads. Our listeners are in 92 countries. The top numbers of listeners are in the United States, Japan, Canada, Australia, UK and Germany.
Eighty three percent of you listen to the podcast on mobile devices. The rest are going to our website, podcast.legalnursebusiness.com
Here’s what I’ve found. LNCs tell me that they dip into the vault of past shows and listen to current and older episodes. They appreciate the tips and hearing from a variety of LNCs and experts..
In the last 6 years we’ve seen some major changes in our world. During 2020 when the courthouses closed down in the U.S., attorneys worked harder to settle their cases. They learned how to take depositions by Zoom and even try some cases that way. Now that courts are a bit more open, attorneys continue to focus on settling cases, knowing that there is a backlog of cases waiting for trial.
LNCs are essential to helping attorneys sort through cases, rejecting non meritorious ones, and conserving their resources. You help attorneys make sense of murky medical records, gain insights using your analytical skills, and provide decisive guidance. Once attorneys have rewarding relationships with LNCs, they often cannot think of managing cases without them.
You may have heard me discuss how I built a large and successful multimillion dollar LNC business – from 1989 to January 2015 when I sold it.
In February 2021 I returned to the practice of legal nurse consulting, after fulfilling a 5 year non-compete agreement with my business’ purchaser. I work with a few attorneys now and love the experience.
Here’s what I know is true: you will have a rewarding business when you couple your knowledge with grateful clients. There are many attorneys who don’t yet know how useful you can be. There are a few who think they know it all and don’t need medical help. There are a few who don’t appreciate your experience or undervalue your services.
Don’t waste your time trying to convert the hard-headed. If you do so, you’ll just keep spinning in the wind, unable to satisfy these individuals. Look for the attorneys who want and need help and are willing to pay for it. If you have a bad experience with an attorney, learn from it and move on. When you have a great experience, which will be true for the majority of cases, learn from it and bask in the rewards.
Your skills are an excellent way to serve attorneys and their clients. You have the ability to share what you know and serve the needs of your clients. Embrace this, grow with it, and enjoy it.
I want to hear from you. Tell me what topics you’d like our guests to tackle. Send me an email at patiyerLNC@gmail.com. Tell me what you like about the show. Leave a rating on the podcast platform you use and share your comments. I’m here for you. And thank you for listening!
Join us for our 6th Virtual Conference
LNC Success is a Livecast Virtual Conference 2-day event designed for legal nurse consultants just like you!
Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin put together THE first Legal Nurse Consulting Virtual Conference in July 2020.
They are back with their 6th all new conference based on what attendees said they’d find most valuable. This new implementation and networking event is designed for LNCs at any stage in their career.
Build your expertise, attract higher-paying attorney clients, and take your business to the next level.
After the LNC Success Virtual Conference, you will leave with clarity, confidence, and an effective step-by-step action plan that you can immediately implement in your business.
Your Presenter of Celebrating 500 Episodes of Legal Nurse Podcast Pat Iyer
Pat founded, grew and sold a successful legal nurse consulting business that had annual sales in the 7 figures. She is a well-known, respected expert in the field of legal nurse consulting. She has written, edited, or coauthored over 800 chapters, books, case studies, online courses or articles about the topic of legal nurse consulting.
Pat served on the board of directors of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants for 5 years including a year as President of the Association
She provides VIP coaching for a select group of business owners ready to develop their successful businesses.
Connect with Pat patiyer@legalnursebusiness.com