470 Attorney Customer Service Challenges for LNCs – Steve Catchick

Relationship marketing is becoming an increasingly popular phrase in the business world. Steve Catchick, an expert in sales and service, expands on the meaning of this concept and focuses it on service. He defines this as 100% attention on the client.

Taking it a step further, he says that everyone in the company or organization should be empowered to take the initiative to serve the customer. This kind of service also creates repeat customers, which, in Steve’s view, is the core of a company’s success.

This podcast is filled with specific tools you can use in your own business. He explains how to recognize who in your workforce are ambassadors, those who go the extra mile, neutrals, the people who do only what they have to, and saboteurs, who complain and bring down the energy level.

Steve describes a process for effectively establishing rapport with a client, especially one who is angry about a perceived lack of service. He recommends empathy and assertiveness, qualities that can keep one’s emotions from interfering with communication and rapport.

This podcast is a mini-course in developing and improving customer relations. You’re certain to discover several insights and suggestions that you can immediately put to use.

Join me in this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to learn about Attorney Customer Service Challenges for LNCs

  • What is the difference between sales and service?
  • When is “Yes” the wrong answer?
  • What is “the secret salesforce”?
  • Why is good the enemy of great?
  • Why is it crucial to retain customers and clients?
  • How do you handle a difficult customer or client?

Get the Writing Handbook and so Much More!!

Related Product:

How to Create Lasting LNC-Client Relationships

Use this book to examine the way you manage your relationships with your clients. It may affirm that what you are doing is great. It will give you new insights and strategies for solidifying relationships.

Working with attorneys is both challenging and rewarding. Without a steady stream of attorneys who love working with you, your legal nurse consulting business collapses. Does this worry you? It should!

The core of being a successful LNC is being able to effectively work with attorneys. Are you on the top of your game, or would having concrete tips from a person who has been in the trenches with attorneys help you? You can have an aggressive marketing program to bring in new clients, but if you cannot retain them, you’ll be endlessly spinning your wheels. There are secrets of why your clients will stay with you. Pat shares them in this book.

When Pat ran her independent LNC business, some attorneys stayed with her for more than 20 years.

Do you know how to spot the trouble-making attorney as soon as you have the first contact, or are you ever caught off guard? Difficult clients can cost you time, aggravation and money. Here’s how to not get hooked by them.

How to Create Lasting LNC-Client Relationships explains the best way to build a solid client retention program, using strategies that work to identify the desirable clients and avoid the trouble makers.

This is an essential reference for every LNC.

Your Presenter

I’m Steve Catchick. I’ve had a varied career, starting in the Army (REME) at the tender age of 16 as an electronics engineer. Since then as a customer service engineer, an account manager and as a speaker, trainer and coach.

Whilst at IBM I delivered training to the sales team, designed and delivered a successful customer care programme for the engineers, and help desks, and presentation skills training for managers and teams

I finally launched out on my own as a Speaker, trainer and coach, initially running a franchise providing business training and mentoring for business owners. I now speak at events and conferences, deliver masterclasses and coach managers and teams on high impact communication, sales through service, and powerful persuasive presenting

I am a member of The Professional Speaking Association, (past President for the Thames Valley Region in Reading 2016-2017), a Distinguished Toastmaster and past Division Governor for Toastmasters International, and oh yes, also a clinical hypno-therapist and NLP trainer.

Connect with Steve https://stevecatchick.com/

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