451 The LNC as Mediator – Challenges and Rewards – Jaimee Gerrie

As the LNC profession matures, we are learning about increasingly varied ways in which we can practice our skills. Jaimee Gerrie, an LNC with 27 years of clinical experience, also works as a mediator in both medical and non-medical cases.Learn about The LNC as a mediator.

She describes in detail the process of resolution through mediation. A method that has greatly increased in popularity due to the present inability to achieve resolution through the usual trial method, mediation has the additional benefits of costing much less and of putting the individual much more in control of the situation.

Nurses are particularly well suited to enter this expanding field. Their training develops in them the ability to evaluate situations and peoples. They have the necessary ability to listen actively, assess body language, and tune in to the silent messages another person may be sending. These skills are essential in the mediation environment, and Jaimee vividly demonstrates this through the story of a very delicate situation she successfully mediated

If you are an experienced nurse who’s looking for a different way to practice your skills, if you have a special interest in helping to resolve conflicts outside of a courtroom setting, a career as a mediator may be exactly what you need to explore. This podcast may open the door to a new profession for you.

Watch this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to learn about The LNC as Mediator

  • What is the difference between a mediator and an arbitrator?
  • What are some of the costs associated with a trial?
  • How does the process of mediation give the individual more power?
  • Why is it often helpful for a mediator not to have a detailed knowledge of the case?
  • What special role can an LNC play in the mediation process?

How to Manage Your LNC Business and Clients: Top Tips for Success

You’ve gotten your legal nurse consulting business started, you have clients, and you want to sustain your success. How can you manage that business in the best way? There are dozens of traps that can trip you if you aren’t aware of them and prepared to tackle them.

Pat knows – she founded and managed a multi-million dollar legal nurse consulting business – and also saw plenty of opportunities for trouble.

Let’s face it – working with trial attorneys is a challenge. They are driven people who want to do their best for their client. There is a lot at stake in litigation, and you want to have strong relationships with them.

In this book, you’ll learn how to deepen your connections with your clients through your communications. When conflict or the need to negotiate arises, the tips in this book will give you the confidence needed to tackle some of the world’s best negotiators. Being able to successfully master negotiation, business communication and conflict are essential.

Discover how to win over and retain the clients you want and recognize those who are too much trouble. Pat shows you how. Enjoy this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to get insights to these questions about the LNC as CEO

This is the book to use to build a stable foundation for your business.

Your Presenter

Jaimee Gerrie is the principal agent of UPvision Consulting, LLC. She has 27 years of clinical professional nursing experience. Specializing in alternative dispute resolution, Jaimee works with attorneys and health care clients on medically related cases.

Connect with Jaimee at https://www.upvisionconsulting.com/

And on Social Media


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