450 How LNCs help Attorneys with EMRs – Diane Tomacelli

Although EMRs software was designed for greater efficiency in documentation, the large number of different systems, many of which perform different functions, programs that don’t “talk” to each other, and the frequent mixing of hand-written and electronic records can make an LNC’s journey through the world medical records feel bewildering.

Difficulty in deciphering electronic medical records is especially frustrating because it can hamper an LNC’s efforts to discover crucial information about the merits of a case. That’s why I’ve invited Diane Tomacelli, a nurse and expert on deciphering medical records, to explain some of the mysteries of EMRs.

Diane describes a range of issues. She also explains the importance of knowing the different kinds of information various EMRs capture and how to interpret the results. In describing the importance of requesting an audit trail, she explains the importance of having clarity on what kind of information you want. If you only need five or six pages of information, you must be careful not to make a request that will give you five- or six- hundred pages.

Perhaps the most important thing she makes clear is that few attorneys have the experience of ability to tackle the many aspects of EMRs. That’s good news for LNCs, and it’s also one of the best reasons for you to watch this Legal Nurse Podcast.

Watch this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to learn about How LNCs help Attorneys with EMRs

  • What problems do different EMR software systems cause?
  • How barriers in EMR documentation get in the way of a patient-practitioner relationships?
  • What is the optimal way to study EMRs?
  • Why is an LNC’s knowledge of EMR documentation invaluable to attorneys?
  • What is the most effective way to order an audit trail?

How to Manage Your LNC Business and Clients: Top Tips for Success

You’ve gotten your legal nurse consulting business started, you have clients, and you want to sustain your success. How can you manage that business in the best way? There are dozens of traps that can trip you if you aren’t aware of them and prepared to tackle them.

Pat knows – she founded and managed a multi-million dollar legal nurse consulting business – and also saw plenty of opportunities for trouble.

Let’s face it – working with trial attorneys is a challenge. They are driven people who want to do their best for their client. There is a lot at stake in litigation, and you want to have strong relationships with them.

In this book, you’ll learn how to deepen your connections with your clients through your communications. When conflict or the need to negotiate arises, the tips in this book will give you the confidence needed to tackle some of the world’s best negotiators. Being able to successfully master negotiation, business communication and conflict are essential.

Discover how to win over and retain the clients you want and recognize those who are too much trouble. Pat shows you how. Enjoy this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to get insights to these questions about the LNC as CEO

This is the book to use to build a stable foundation for your business.

Your Presenter

Diane Tomacelli is a 30+ year Registered Nurse. and also an Army Veteran, Nurse Consultant, and Proud Grandmother.

Connect with Diane at http://www.legalitrn.com

And on Social Media

Linkedin www.linkedin.com/in/diane-tomacelli-b1b32417
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Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Tomacelli01

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