LNP 308 B is for Balance: Work Life Balance Sharon Weinstein

Sharon Weinstein educates and empowers others to achieve balance. She is the author of B is for Balance: 12 Steps to Balance at Home and at Work.

She spent a considerable amount of time within the field of Legal Nurse Consulting and became a legal nurse consultant on infusion-related cases. And they involved everything from neonatal to people in the last transitions of life.

Listen in as Kelly Campbell and Sharon Weinstein chat about these points

  • How is life/work balance a barometer for personal and professional well-being?
  • Can we separate our personal and professional lives?
  • Why is work/life integration critical to success
  • How do you recharge your body’s batteries, especially when you are working multiple cases simultaneously?
  • What is presenteeism and why is it essential to balance?

Related Product: Instant Stress Busters

I want to share a source of great information about stress management. I talk to many LNCs who work all the time, are exhausted, and also are afraid of getting burned out.

I need to ask you a few questions.

  • Do you think of yourself as a strong, capable person?
  • Do you think you are above average in your ability to handle a crisis?
  • Do you think you can keep working through tension and stress?

So did Aila Accad. One day this masters prepared nurse found herself curled up on her sofa with a blanket over her head, trying to escape her crisis. Has this ever happened to you too?

Aila learned how to reduce her tension, lose weight and also make better choices and love herself with the techniques she will share in this program called Instant Stress Busters.

In this program you will discover how to instantly reduce your anxiety and think more clearly when tension rises. You can get the audio recording of this training and the transcript at the link in the show notes for podcast.legalnursebusiness.com or on our new mobile app, Biz.edu. You can download the app at legalnursebusiness.com/bizedu, and then use that to access our podcasts, blogs, videos, courses, free reports and other great content. The link to get the app is legal nursebusiness.com/bizedu.

Your Presenter

Sharon, often referred to as a Stressbuster for her ability to identify stressors and solutions, is recognized globally for her ability to empower others to be all that that they can be! Sharon also combines real-life stories and conversational techniques that immediately resonate with her audience. She works with organizations that want to learn how life balance can drive safety, satisfaction, and success!

Sharon directed the Office of International Affairs for the U.S.-based hospital alliance, Premier, for over 10 years. She holds the coveted Certified Speaking Professional (CSP®) designation, the highest earned international recognition for professional speakers. Less than 12 percent of the 5,000+ speakers worldwide, who belong to the 14-member associations of the Global Speakers Federation (GSF), currently hold this professional designation. Sharon is also one of only 23 nurses in the world with this credential. Sharon is Vice-Chair of NSA’s Certification Committee.

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