LNP 281 Killed by a Tree

The expert fact witness summarizes medical records of people who have suffered catastrophic injuries. I completed over 500 expert fact witness reports.

Let me explain the role by telling you the story of Mr. and Mrs. Gorman.  In this case, I served as an expert fact witness in a case involving an 80-foot tree that hit a car, killing the wife and paralyzing the husband. My report helped to settle the case.

Listen in as Pat Iyer chats about these point

  • The facts of the expert fact witness case
  • What happened to Mr. and Mrs. Gorman
  • Why the medical records filled more than a dozen 3-inch binders
  • Why summaries are effective
  • How my report helped to settle the case.

Related Product: Expert Fact Witness Mastery

Didn’t know you could bill at an expert witness rate and not have to be qualified by having current or recent clinical experience?


When you enroll in Expert Fact Witness Mastery, you will have

1. A set of medical records to use to practice the process of preparing an expert fact witness report
2. The opportunity to gain experience and get individual feedback on your report
3. A deep understanding of what the role is and is not
4. Templates for discussing the role with an attorney so that it will be obvious why you should get involved
5. Answers to objections the attorney or opposing counsel may pose
6. A level of confidence in being able to testify as an expert fact witness

Your Presenter

Pat Iyer has been a legal nurse consultant since 1987.  She also built a successful LNC business that was filled with loyal attorney clients who returned over and over with cases. Pat warded off many ethical issues with attorneys.

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