LNP 275 Defending the Pressure Sore Case

In Legal Nurse Podcast 274, Heidi Cross commented on the unavoidable pressure sore. In this podcast, I go a bit deeper into the concepts of how pressure sores cases are defended. I spent 20 years testifying as a medical surgical nursing expert. Some of those cases involved pressure sores.

Listen in as Pat Iyer chats about these point

  • Key conclusions of The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel
  • Why, whether a pressure sore was unavoidable, is a potent battleground between expert witnesses
  • Can studies define which pressure injuries are unavoidable?
  • Information on attorney ethical issues
  • Ways the defense attorney may defend skin injuries

Related Product: Pressure Sore Case Analysis and Reports Multimedia Course

Since Centers for Medicare and Medicare declared stage III and IV pressure ulcers as avoidable outcomes of care, the spotlight is shining on pressure sore cases.

  • Are you using current standards of care to evaluate pressure sore cases?
  • Can you spot the unavoidable pressure sore cases?
  • Are you aware of all of the critical issues that affect the analysis of pressure ulcer cases?
  • Are you comfortable in being able to analyze the liability and damages of these cases?

Learn from an international expert in pressure ulcer care and prevention: Dr. Diane Krasner and a national expert in legal nurse consulting: Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC.

Your Presenter

Pat Iyer has been a legal nurse consultant since 1987.  She also built a successful LNC business that was filled with loyal attorney clients who returned over and over with cases. Pat warded off many ethical issues with attorneys.

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