LNP 206 How Persistence Grew an LNC Business Susan Carleo

Susan Carleo is a very experienced legal nurse consultant with an independent LNC business. She has a lot of experience as a registered nurse, grew up on Long Island and lives in upper New York State. She has a broad clinical background of working in med-surg, postpartum, ER and PACU, both in staff and management positions, and she’s a certified perianesthesia nurse.

Listen in as Pat Iyer and Susan Carleo chat about these points.

  • What motivated Susan to get started as a legal nurse consultant
  • How she got that first attorney to give her a chance.
  • Why she MapQuested 12 attorneys and also how that helped her with cold calls and networking
  • The characteristics that determine a good Legal Nurse Consultant
  • The myths about legal nurse consulting and an LNC business


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Your Presenter

Susan Carleo has worked as a registered nurse for 43 years. She grew up on Long Island and attended St. Vincent’s Hospital School of Nursing, Mount St. Vincent College and Long Island University.

She has worked in med/surg, post partum, emergency department and PACU in staff and management positions. Susan is a certified perianesthesia nurse and teaches legal documentation classes to nurses and physicians.

In 2007, Susan started her independent legal nurse practice Carleo Legal Nurse Consulting. She has a successful independent practice working with attorneys on their medical malpractice cases in New York and nationwide. Susan is a past president of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants.

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