LNP 201 Expert Witness Advice: How Do I Get Out of a Case?

“The attorney told me I would never have to testify. Now I found out it is going to trial! I don’t want to go.” Have you ever heard this complaintfrom an expert? Ever made that statement yourself as an expert?

An expert enters into an agreement with an attorney when he or she agrees to review the case. The understanding is that if the expert has no conflict of interest and finds he or she can support the attorney’s side of the case, the expert agrees to be part of the case, including testifying if the case goes that far.

Listen in as Pat Iyer chats about these points

  • Learn how to spot a conflict of interest
  • Discover how each case is affected by discovery deadlines
  • What to do if you think your attorney has behavioral issues?
  • What to do if your expert witness wants to withdraw from a case
  • What could happen to an expert witness who wants to get out of a case


Related Product: How to be a Successful Expert Witness

There is a lot at stake in medical malpractice cases. You want to do your best. Pat Iyer put together a book specifically for LNCs who are expert witnesses or considering taking on this rewarding role. It is called How to be a Successful Expert Witness.

Use this book to read through, refer to, and consult to gain a greater understanding of the role of the expert witness. Pat urges you to approach being an expert on a case as a tremendous opportunity and a huge responsibility. Engage in your work with professionalism and commitment. The attorney and his client are counting on you.

This book draws on Pat’s experiences both as an expert witness and one who has trained hundreds of experts – nurses, physicians, and a variety of healthcare professionals. Order your copy at http://LNC.tips/expertwitness

Pat founded, grew and sold a successful legal nurse consulting business that had annual sales in the 7 figures. She is a well known, respected expert in the field of legal nurse consulting. She has written, edited, or coauthored over 800 chapters, books, case studies, online courses or articles about the topic of legal nurse consulting. Pat served on the board of directors of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants for 5 years including a year as president of the association.

She provides coaching for a select group of LNC business owners ready to develop their successful businesses. Go to LNC Academy for details.

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