LNP 61 – Do You Have a Strong LNC Brand?

hand drawing on boardIs your LNC brand as consistent as Apple’s? Have you ever bought an Apple product? From the white drawstring bag with the Apple logo to the exquisite packaging, Apple is consistent in its branding. Is your legal nurse consulting brand as consistent throughout every touch point? Brand experience is the sum of all points of contact and when that’s consistent, when it’s strong, then people know what to expect and who to trust.

Listen as Pat Iyer chats about these key points

  • Branding is intangible. It’s not just something you see but it’s also something you can feel. It’s the underlying power behind our buying decisions
  • Why branding is shaped by the perceptions of the audience and brand attributes
  • Does your brand build trust in your clients and prospects?
  • Do you really feel connected to not only your name, which is a big part of branding, but also the look and feel of your LNC brand?
  • Is your branding building trust and repeat business?
  • Why branding is affected by the consultants, subcontractors or employees that you work with

Related Product

Discover, Define, and Deliver a Brand That Shines Webinar presented by Jena Rodriquez.

Branding is the true foundation of any legal nurse consulting business. You need a clear brand that shines. (This is not just a logo or marketing strategy, but a BRAND). Without a brand that shines, then your legal nurse consulting marketing efforts and sales efforts are not as efficient. You must have a brand that shines to stand out from competition and to build IMMEDIATE trust, likability, value, and confidence for your prospects.

  • Do you question whether or not your brand is strong enough?
  • Do you have a brand that shines? Is it clear and consistent?
  • Do you feel disconnected from your brand?
  • Do you reluctantly hand out your business card because it just isn’t YOU?
  • Do you wish you had a step-by-step guide to creating a brand that can compete with the best of the best?
  • Get the details about this online training by Jena Rodriquez at this link: http://lnc.tips/brandshines

Your Presenter

Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC built a successful legal nurse consulting business. She created a successful LNC brand that emphasized customer service and high quality.

Check out the webinars, teleseminars, courses and books at legalnursebusiness.com. Expand your LNC skills with our resources.

Explore coaching with Pat Iyer at LNCAcademy.com to get more clients, make more money and avoid expensive mistakes.

Invest in the monthly webinars at LNCCEU.com for 2 webinars each month designed to deepen your knowledge and skills.

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