LNP 53 – Communication Problems and Patient Injury

According to The Joint Commission, communication problems and patient injury go hand in hand. Legal nurse consultants, risk managers, attorneys and healthcare administrators are all aware of the risks to patient safety from communication errors.

In today’s multicultural society, sources of misunderstanding and communication problems can result in multiple opportunities for errors resulting in harm to patients. Communication barriers between patients and nurses, and nurses and other healthcare workers can result in inappropriate orders, incorrect interventions or failure to take action.

Listen in as Pat Iyer chats about these points

  • Examples of communication problems and patient Injury
  • Why consider the miscommunication associated with this case
  • What are nursing responsibilities for communication
  • What are nurse manager responsibilities for communication and LNC’s responsibilities for communication
  • Why LNCs have critical roles in helping attorneys understand communication problems and patient injury
  • What to post and what not to post on social media

Related Product

emergency department staff 28 Tips for Patients and Their Families for Safe Hospital Care


I feel strongly about patient safety. Please download this compilation of patient safety tips and go over it with anyone you know who is going into the hospital. I hope it helps prevent some injuries.

Click this link to get your free report http://lnc.tips/28Tips


Your Presenter

Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC built a successful legal nurse consulting business. Want to know how? She developed systems to manage the details and processes of her business, and shares these tips with you in this podcast.

Check out the webinars, teleseminars, courses and books at legalnursebusiness.com. Expand your LNC skills with our resources.

Explore coaching with Pat Iyer at LNCAcademy.com to get more clients, make more money and avoid expensive mistakes.

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