Legal Nurse Podcast Bundles Inhouse LNC

Shortcut the process of building your business with the tips in this bundle.

483 Filling Law Firm Demands for Help: The LNC Role – Molly McGrath

  • 611 Mary Beth Kerstein on Crafting Effective Chronologies for Legal Nurses by Patricia Iyer MSN RN LNCC

    In this podcast episode, we explore Crafting Effective Chronologies for Legal Nurses. Creating chronologies that have multi-purpose functions in a range of cases is one of the services attorneys are most likely to request. Today we have an expert in this area, Mary Beth Kerstein, who will share with you what she’s learned about this important service.

    Attorneys lack both the time and medical expertise to prepare a chronology, and it’s not a job that can be handed off to a paralegal. This is where LNCs can prove their value.

    Mary Beth addresses a number of practical issues. Since all records don’t arrive at the same time, you need to find a way to indicate new information for the attorney’s benefit. She details how to do this.

    The biggest issue is deciding what information is pertinent for a chronology. As this will also determine the length and number of billing hours required, she recommends that you ask the attorney what he or she wants. You can also provide samples of chronologies you’ve done.

    She emphasizes that the chronology should be opinion-free. Expert witnesses, opposing attorneys, and other parties may see this. If the attorney wants it, you can provide your opinion about the case in a separate email.

    You can also offer to provide additional services, like a list of providers or a medical glossary.

    You will find the content of this podcast to be an invaluable resource to help you excel in this highly requested service.

    Here’s What to Expect from the Podcast: Crafting Effective Chronologies for Legal Nurses – Mary Beth Kerstein

    • How does an attorney benefit from having an LNC prepare a chronology?
    • How do you organize a chronology where multiple providers are involved?
    • How do you discern what’s important to put into a chronology?
    • Should chronologies be opinion-free?
    • What are invisible injuries?


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    Join us at our September 26-27 online LNC Success ® Conference

    Are you ready to advance your legal nurse consulting business? The LNC Success® Conference is a live two-day online event specifically designed for legal nurse consultant like you. Imagine transforming your practice with cutting-edge strategies and insights from industry leaders.

    Explore how to:

    • Stand out in a competitive market
    • Attract ideal clients effectively
    • Create a compelling digital presence

    This conference offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded legal nurse consultants and gain the tools you need to thrive. From interactive workshops to expert-led sessions, you will learn actionable strategies to enhance your business.

    In addition to these valuable insights, you’ll also have the chance to participate in hands-on activities that will help you apply what you’ve learned immediately. Whether you evaluate a nursing malpractice case or practice answering difficult questions, you’ll leave with practical skills that can make a real difference in your practice.

    Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your business and achieve your professional goals. 

    Register now and secure your spot at the LNC Success® Conference taking place on September 26 and 27.

    click-to-learn-more -  Expert Witness Mastery for Nurses Course

    Your Presenters of Crafting Effective Chronologies for Legal Nurses – Mary Beth Kerstein

    Mary Beth Kerstein MSN BSN RN ONC of Milford, Michigan is a registered nurse whose nursing career spans 38 years. She is clinically active and has worked in the hospital setting her entire career. Her roles in the hospital setting include staff RN, critical care education coordinator, clinical nurse manager, data analyst in the quality program, and administrative supervisor.

    She grew up with a passion for nursing and teaching. She holds a master’s degree in nursing and has obtained multiple certifications that allow her to provide the most optimal evaluation and reports.

    Since 2009, she has worked at a case management firm where she has analyzed thousands of medical records, simplifying hundreds of complex medical cases documenting the health status before and after traumatic events in a variety of reports that are shared with the case management team, healthcare providers, attorneys, and insurance providers. The key to her success is the objective ability to analyze complex scenarios and to advocate for victims and relevant stakeholders.

    Connect with Mary Beth Kerstein by email at

  • 601 Build Your LNC Writing Skills: How to Succeed – Pat Iyer by Patricia Iyer MSN RN LNCC
    Pat Iyer

    In this podcast episode, Pat shares how to build your LNC writing skills and succeed. She is a proficient and prolific writer, having written 68 books, with several more on the way. Although she always paid close attention to her own writing skills, it took an angry phone call from a client about an expert witness report by one of her subcontractors to make her realize that accuracy was key to her success.

    And it’s key to your own success. Whether you write a report, a blog post, newsletter, or promotional letter, your writing skills need to be the best they can be. They say who you are. They speak to your expertise on all levels. They establish you as a professional.

    Pat has noticed as a writing coach to LNCs that a big issue that stops them is lack of self-confidence. One way to overcome this is to realize that it isn’t difficult to learn certain basic principles of writing: simplicity, brevity, and accuracy. These qualities alone will raise your writing to a higher-than-average level, and that will give you greater self-confidence.

    This episode will provide a valuable outline to help you develop your writing skills. You’ll  want to save it for regular review.

    Here’s What to Expect from the Podcast: Build Your LNC Writing Skills: How to Succeed

    • How important are writing skills to an LNC?
    • How can correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling affect an attorney’s opinion of your skills?
    • What are some of the promotional writing methods an LNC uses?
    • Why is improving your self-confidence as a writer so important?
    • What does Warren Buffett say about writing skills?


    Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app,, available at

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    Get the free transcripts and also learn about other ways to subscribe. Go to Legal Nurse Podcasts subscribe options by using this short link:

    Join us for Medical Records Analysis Volume 3

    Each chapter in the book will be written by a different  LNC. When you write your chapter for this book, you’ll gain

    • Visibility so that attorneys can find you and offer you work
    • Authority and credibility – you’ll be a recognized expert
    • Encouragement and support from Pat Iyer and your fellow authors

    Your investment includes:

    • A self-paced course to teach you how to structure and write your 1500-to-2000-word chapter – so there is no guesswork. You’ll get a system you can use to be successful.
    • A meeting with me, Pat Iyer to discuss the focus of your chapter so you know how to get started.
    •  Complete publishing package that includes editing, formatting, cover design and placing the book on Amazon.
    • A virtual book launch event where you can invite guests to learn about your book.
    • A collaborative relationship with your coauthors – when they market the book, you can visibility to their audience
    • An Amazon bestseller campaign – we’ve gotten prior volumes to #1 Amazon bestseller status within a day
    • A complimentary copy of the book and the opportunity to purchase them at a 50% discount over retail price (in multiples of 10 copies)

    Payment is due now to reserve your spot. We have a maximum of 15 spots and they will go quickly.

    Enrollment Period: June – July 2024

    Self-paced course on how to write your chapter: Available immediately upon enrollment

    Author chapters due: September 30, 2024

    Editing, Formatting, Printing: October – November 2024

    Books Available for Sale: December 1, 2024

    Register here.

    click-to-learn-more -  Expert Witness Mastery for Nurses Course

    Your Presenter of Build Your LNC Writing Skills: How to Succeed – Pat Iyer

    Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC established a highly successful independent LNC business in 1989. She grew Med League to become a multimillion-dollar business which provided expert witnesses and did behind the scenes consulting. She trained hundreds of expert witnesses and supervised a staff of employees and subcontractors. After selling Med League in 2015, she returned to legal nurse consulting after a 6-year hiatus and currently serves a small group of attorneys.

    Connect with Pat Iyer by email

  • 483 Filling Law Firm Demands for Help: The LNC Role – Molly McGrath by Patricia Iyer MSN RN LNCC

    As a professional, you want to constantly evaluate new developments in your field. One thing LNCs may overlook is that this field can expand and shift during extraordinary times, such as the current pandemic.

    Molly McGrath, who helps attorneys with their staffing issues, pays great attention to these shifts. She suggests that estate planning and elder are two rapidly growing areas where LNCs, both because of their training in compassion and attention to detail, can find lucrative employment.

    Some of these openings have occurred because the pandemic has made people aware that they need to plan for the future and for their heirs. Molly, however, points out that as early as 2008, many paralegals, seeing how much demand existed for their services, decided to exercise their power and work as independent contractors. Their scarcity also led to more openings for LNCs to work with lawyers

    She also states that the traditional role of the paralegal as gatekeeper has virtually disappeared. Both paralegals and lawyers are swamped with work. They want to hear from LNCs.

    Molly also provides a detailed template for getting attorneys’ attention through LinkedIn.

    If you are looking for a way to increase or to change the focus of your LNC practice, you will find a treasure trove of advice and information in this podcast.

    • What role can a staffing specialist play in an attorney’s office?
    • Why is legal estate planning an ideal field for LNCs?
    • Why is it a good time for LNCs to consider this area of law?
    • How, in a legal environment where paralegals less frequently serve as gatekeepers for attorneys, can LNCs connect with prospective clients?
    • Why does saying, “I’m not trying to sell you anything” have a boomerang effect?

    Related Product:

    Powerful Emails

    In this book you’ll learn:

    • How to determine what kinds of headlines make you want to open an email—and what kinds trigger your delete button finger.
    • How to apply this analysis to opening sentences and email text
    • Why carelessness in your personal emails can seep into how you compose a business email
    • Why poor punctuation, grammar, and spelling can turn off your target—with many examples of how to do it right
    • Words that draw in your readers and words that turn them off
    • How to design a sales email for maximum positive impact.

    Your Presenter

    Molly has coached, consulted over 4,000 Law Firms over the past 27 years in; Executive-Level Leadership, Continuous Improvement and Team Empowerment Initiatives to infiltrate new markets, leverage partner ecosystems and produce profitability.

    National Podcaster, Nationally recognized blogger since 2008, #1 Amazon Best Seller Author; “Speaking Your Truth: Courageous Stories from Inspiring Women”, “Intrapreneurs in an Entrepreneur’s World – How to Empower Your Employees to Step Up and Lead”, “Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work with a Dream Team Without Losing Your Sanity or Spirit in the Process” and “Speaking your Truth: Courageous Stories from Inspiring Women.

    Connect with Molly at

    Connect on Social Media

484 An Inside Look at an Inhouse LNC Role – Kathleen Isenhart
498 Inhouse LNC spreads her wings – Chelsea Harris
502 Inhouse LNC Experience – Tips from a Master – Beth Zorn