The Latest Podcasts!
637 – Overcoming Fee Challenges: A Guide for Legal Nurse Consultants – Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin
Welcome to another insightful episode of Legal Nurse Podcast.Today, we dive deep into the complexities of setting fees as a Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC). Join us as host Pat Iyer, a seasoned legal nurse consultant and business coach, and Barbara Levin, an experienced LNC and expert witness, unpack the hard truths about LNC fees. Whether…
See the complete Podcast636 – Mastering LinkedIn for LNCs – Abby Rogers
Abby Rogers, who first investigated legal nursing as a career three years ago has made a commitment with impressive results. She began as a subcontractor, which she feels gave her the grounding to reach out for an independent career. Her first independent client didn’t know what he wanted, which gave her a unique opportunity to…
See the complete Podcast635 – Forensic Nursing Insights and Real Cases – Jenelle Lea
Crime fiction is one of the most popular genres, with medical crime fiction occupying significant space on the bookshelves of devoted readers. True crime stories are also popular; but while we may enjoy reading them, we may not think of what it’s like to be at the heart of an investigation. Here to open that…
See the complete Podcast634 – Discovering Healthy Eating: Strategies and Benefits – Kris Mew
One of the biggest challenges when we live in a world dominated by processed food is to eat in a healthy manner. Because of stresses in our lives, we are conditioned to handle them by eating sugary or fat-laden food. When we’re tired and don’t feel like cooking, we reach for a frozen dinner. Kris…
See the complete Podcast633 – Mastering Effective Attorney Presentations: Tips for LNCs – Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin
Are you looking for an opportunity to deepen and broaden your legal nursing skills? What if you had the chance to learn from two of the most experienced LNCs in the business the art of mastering effective attorney presentations? Pat Iyer, a legal nurse consultant since 1987, owner of a multibillion-dollar business, which she has…
See the complete Podcast632 – Polishing Your Résumé: Put Your Best Foot Forward and Start 2025 With a New Page – Barbara Levin and Pat Iyer
Your résumé and curriculum vitae (CV) are your calling cards into a new job or career. (To simplify matters, I am calling them your documents.) As such, they need to be honest, accurate, and impressive. Learn how to polish your résumé with Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin. In terms of honesty, it’s important to remember…
See the complete Podcast631 – Top Mistakes Expert Witnesses Make and How to Avoid Them – Amy Fogelman
Being an expert witness encompasses a wide range of responsibilities and perspectives. Here to discuss some key issues are LNC Pat Iyer, host of this show, and physician and expert Amy Fogelman. We stressed the importance of efficiency in a number of areas. A primary one is the it’s essential for an expert to take…
See the complete Podcast630 – Best of 2024: Expanding Nursing Expertise to Legal Nurse Consulting – Mary Jorgensen
In January 2025, we are running the best of our podcasts from the previous year. We pick the shows based on which ones had the most downloads. Enjoy this revisit to our best shows of 2024. Mary Jorgensen, a board-certified legal nurse consultant, has worked in jobs with nursing expertise as varied as being a union…
See the complete Podcast629 – Best of 2024: Get Your LNC Invoices Paid – Pat Iyer
In January 2025, we are running the best of our podcasts from the previous year. We pick the shows based on which ones had the most downloads. Enjoy this revisit to our best shows of 2024. Pat Iyer, veteran LNC and former owner of a multimillion-dollar business, shares her expertise on the all-important subject of getting…
See the complete Podcast628 – Best of 2024: Navigating the Complexity of Healthcare Credentialing and Privileging – Dr. Vipul Kella
In January 2025, we are running the best of our podcasts from the previous year. We pick the shows based on which ones had the most downloads. Enjoy this revisit to our best shows of 2024. As an LNC, you will probably work with cases where the credentials and privileging for doctors are in question. To…
See the complete PodcastWe want to hear from you. Do you have a question or want to give a compliment about the show? Record one for Pat.
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The ultimate bundle of podcasts to move your business forward.

Listen to the BEST Podcasts!
We've bundled our most popular podcasts for easy access. Get your exclusive access below so that you get advice, strategies, and guidance to move your LNC business ahead.

Create transformation for your LNC business.
Category 1 - Tips from Experienced LNCs
Learn from the wisdom of LNCs who’ve been in your shoes, and share their lessons learned.
Category 2 - LNC Roles
Expand your ideas on the LNC role with these fascinating ways in which LNCs can help attorneys.
Category 3 - Medical Malpractice
Hone your knowledge of the issues that can start medical malpractice cases. Is this a valid case?
Category 4 - Nursing Malpractice
Discover how the nurse comes under fire as a defendant in a nursing malpractice case.
Category 5 - Medical Records
Learn the techniques that help you analyze and summarize medical records.
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See what others have to say about Pat Iyer
"I am a die-hard podcast listener as I am learning how to become a LNC. If it was not for your podcasts, I would not be pursuing this field."
Krista Peterson
"Pat Iyer is a Legal Nurse Consultant legend. I am interviewing for my dream job tomorrow as an LNC and I have been equally studying Pat's work just as much as the organization I am interviewing with. Thank you for bringing her knowledge to those of us with a passion for this area of nursing."
~ Cindy Miller, Jonesville, Michigan.
"I keep using everything I find that you have written - you truly are a goldmine."
~ Susie McGregor-Huyer, Mahtomedi, MN
"I am a retired nurse and am starting my journey as a LNC thanks to all your help through your site and YouTube! I am grateful for you, Pat."
~ Carrie L. Maurer BSN RN LNC
"You are definitely the one and only leading expert in the field."
~ Dolores Austin JD RN, Phoenix, AZ
"I have so deeply admired your brilliance and vast amount of knowledge that you so willingly share. You have been such an inspiration and fountain of information - you're like a Rock Star of the LNC world!"
~ Laura Johnston RN, CRRN, CWS, FACCWS, McMurray, PA
"You are AWESOME!!! I am meeting with an attorney in the morning to discuss pain and suffering... you've given me a whole new idea as to where I want to go in this business."
~ Jennifer Smith, RN, Colville, WA
"Pat Iyer has captured the essence of entrepreneurship and examined the steps that define who we are as legal nurse consultants and how we must forge our internal beliefs and fears into confidence and strength to build a successful consulting business."
~ Denise Sexton, RN, BSN, CLNC, Phoenix CLNC Services, LLC